
Lorenzo Baracchi
2° Dan Aikikai
Alex Bettua
Child course's teacher
3° Dan Uisp
Elia Cremonesi
2° Dan Aikikai
Beatrice Sechi
2° Dan Aikikai

Ennio Paleari
Dojo's technical leader
6° Dan Aikikai

Sensei Paleari Ennio

The didactic head of the dojo is Paleari Ennio, 6 dan Aikikai (directly granted by Yasuno shihan, Hombu dojo Tokio). Born in Lodi on august 30th 1972, Ennio begun practice Taekwondo and brazilian Jujitsu on July of 1996 at Salt Lake city, in the state of Utah (USA) Always looking to a martial are more conforming to his martial spirit, he joined Utah Aikikai on February of the subsequent year. Back in Italy, he practiced for many years at Milan Dojo of Sensei Fujimoto Youji, 8 Dan Aikikai, didactic director of "Aikikai d'Italia", and with japanese masters in Italy and Europe, he occasionally visited Japan to deepen his studies. From 2004 he lives in Tokio, practicing in the general quarter and in the private dojos of the most influential japanese instructors. Finally in the summer of 2013 he established Urakasumi Dojo in the city of Lodi.

Ennio con il Maestro Yasuno Masatoshi Shihan
Ennio with Yasuno Masatoshi Shihan
Ennio con il Doshu Ueshiba Moriteru
Ennio with Doshu Ueshiba Moriteru

Lorenzo Baracchi
2° Dan Aikikai

Lorenzo Baracchi

Lorenzo Baracchi was born in Sondrio, May 28th 1989. He takes his first steps in martial arts at the age of 8, practicing Karate.
After years of training, and a time of reflection, he starts searching a different discipline. He finds disputable the tendency to reduce martial arts to a mere sport activity, and he was looking for a more authentic experience.
In 2015 he starts practicing Aikido, at Urakasumi Dojo. Here, he discovers that part of training that he felt was forgotten before. Following this "new way" he has finally found the right place to start a more profound research.

Alex Bettua
Instructor of child's course
3° Dan Uisp

Alex Bettua

The teacher of children course of Urakasumi is Alex Bettua III dan Uisp. Born in Lodi, August 31th 1985, she starts Judo at the age of 6; she start her practice with the sensei L. Mascolo, M.Bersani at the Judo school Kodokan Lodi. In the year 2000 she became I dan of Ju-Jitsu with the teacher A.Piacentini (school Goshin Jitsu Italia); she continues the martial practice at Milan with the teacher G.Vismara (Samurai Dojo) with whom she studies in deep technique and training (randori). Her bond and passion with oriental disciplines expands in 2014 with the study and practice of Shiatsu; in 2018 she obtain the diploma of professional Shiatsu operator at Accademia Italiana Shiatsu-Do (Milano).
In the latest years the meting with Sensei Ennio Paleari and Aikido, represent the continuation of her path; in Urakasumi Dojo, Alex finds the place more near to her martial spirit to continue on the way of Budō.

Elia Cremonesi
2° Dan Aikikai

Elia Cremonesi

The first approach with Aikido is in October 2015 at Urakasumi dojo school, under the teaching of Sensei Paleari Ennio, still the landmark for the practice and study of this art. After some years of constant training and the meeting with some japanese and french Senseis, like Yasuno Masatoshi shihan, Takahama sensei, Tendrón sensei, who are big example of martial education, Elia becomes part of Urakasumi's staff with the role of instructor.

Beatrice Sechi
2° Dan Aikikai

Beatrice Sechi

Beatrice start Aikido in December of 2016 at the school of Urakasumi Dojo in Lodi, she follows it evolution upto today with much enthusiasm under the guidance of Sensei Paleari Ennio, who is a source of inspiration together with other great Aikido teachers.
Se is now instructor at Urakasumi Dojo.